About Us

Our Objectives

To actively, cooperatively and collaboratively work with government at the local, state and federal levels to guarantee the SAFETY and SECURITY of residents, guests, business enterprises, and commonwealth (public sector investments, infrastructure and institutions).

To provide an integrated platform for community leaders, private stakeholders and public authorities to achieve SDG goals by 2030 to transform our World: end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.

To resourcefully, responsibly and inclusively design, implement and promote private sector driven actions that will address the social, economic, and environmental challenges of our communities promoting job creation, entrepreneurship and self-actualization without bias or discrimination.

We play an exciting role in to locate and support young talents in becoming agents of positive change through education, career guidance, competition and mentorship. 

To commission research to identify emerging issues, monitor trends, provide analysis and position communities as the prime destination for government (public sector at all levels) investments in infrastructure and services such as healthcare, sports, entertainment, education and commerce.

To disseminate and manage information, raise awareness, provide education, advocate and formulate policies, participate in joint operational projects on the governance and management of infrastructure to provide sustainable environmental quality and socio-economic development.

To canvass and advocate the need for active involvement of citizens in actualizing good governance and democratic decision making rather than to be silent or absentee landlords of the community.

To anticipate, monitor, minimize and control problems poorly managed and governed infrastructure pose to the environment, socio-economic development and general peoples’ well-being.
To constructively and continuously engage with government at all levels to foster and sustain enabling environment for business and enterprise by addressing critical issues such as the tax regime and property ownership among others.

To consider appropriate technologies which are efficient, reliable, economical and relevant to the African environment in sustaining her infrastructure for environmental quality, socio-economic development and poverty reduction.

To take lawful citizens and private sector driven actions that will ensure that communities emerge and remain the preferred environment for residents and businesses.

To galvanize support for widows and the less privileged within the community and provide entrepreneurship training and opportunities for them.

To help create awareness and participation in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention and provide the platform for Managed Healthcare.

Focus on positive change to create long-term impact and scaling of solutions while guided by UN principles, values and norms.